For Players. By Players.
For all of your Airsoft needs, from RIF's, BB's, Accessories and more...

ASPUK was founded in July 2010 by airsoft sniper enthusiasts with a passion for the game and the perfect shot, since then the business has grown from being a couple of individuals wanting to share their passion with us to where it is today. Over the years, the business has been through many evolutions from having exclusive design and manufacture calibrations with its European friends, bricks and mortar premises, to manufacturing of its own exclusive designs and shipping products to customers worldwide. In 2015 ASPUK opened the doors to its first shop, offering the local community a huge range of airsoft equipment which quickly expanded to double its size and manufacturing sniper parts in 2017. In 2020 following a huge shift in market trends ASPUK was mothballed until NOW! We are back and with our wealth of knowledge in the latest products and technical prowess we feel that now is the time to share our expertise once again. ASPUK is now offering exclusive on site shops at all Yorkshire Tactical Airsoft Sites, Online retail and Click and Collect from our warehouse facility, not to mention our technician is now on hand for all your repair and upgrade needs.